7th Ocha Zanmai San Francisco International Conference on Chanoyu and Tea Culture Theme: Tea Culture in the Edo Period ONLINE WEBINAR SERIES Four Friday Evenings June 4, June 11, June 18, and June 25, 2021 6:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time, 9:30 pm Eastern Standard Time 第7回お茶三昧: 茶の湯と茶文化に関するサンフランシスコ国際会議 テーマ:江戸時代の茶文化 ウェブカンファレンス 2021年6月5日(土)、6月12日(土)、6月19日(土)、6月26日(土) 日本時間午前10時30分から Program The official language of this conference is English. Presentations in Japanese will be accompanied by optional English simultaneous interpretation. Please note: Recordings of sessions will not be available after the event. Friday June 4, 18:30-20:00 PDT (日本時間6月5 日午前10時30分〜午後12時00分) USD $15 Welcome Messages from the Co-hosts 主催者の挨拶: Andrew Harris, Dean, College of Liberal & Creative Arts, San Francisco State University Charles Egan, Chair, Department of Modern Languages, San Francisco State University Lecture 1 (in English only) Searching for the Spirit of the Sages: The Japanese Tea Ceremony for Sencha by Patricia J. Graham Research Associate, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas 「賢⼈の精神を探ねて: ⽇本における煎茶道」 (英語のみ) パトリシアJ.グラハム カンザス大学東アジア研究所研究員 Lecture 2: Friday June 11 18:30-19:30 PDT (in Japanese with optional simultaneous English interpretation) (日本時間6月12 日午前10時30分〜午前11時30分) USD $15 Keen Eye, Cultivated Taste: the tea tradition and utensil collections of Lord Matsudaira Fumai MIYATAKE Yoshiyuki Joint Research Associate, Kyoto and Tea Culture Research Center, Doshisha University 「松平不昧公の茶の湯と茶道具 ─見極め、育てる─」(日本語) 宮武慶之 同志社大学京都と茶文化研究センター共同研究員 Lecture 3: Friday June 18 18:30-19:30 PDT (in Japanese with optional simultaneous English interpretation) (日本時間6月19 日午前10時30分〜午前11時30分) USD $15 A New View of Kobori Enshū: exploring the concept of kirei sabi FUKAYA Nobuko Independent scholar, tea history 「新しい小堀遠州像 ─『綺麗さびの茶』とは?」(日本語) 深谷信子 茶道史研究家 Lecture 4: Friday June 18 20:00-20:30 PDT (in Japanese with optional simultaneous English interpretation) (日本時間6月19日午前11時45分〜午後12時15分) USD $10 The Roji Tea Garden as presented in Nanpōroku: with attention to Tachibana Jitsuzan's interpretation of the sōan ‘grass hut’ tea house SAKURAMOTO Kaori Doctoral candidate, Waseda University, School of Graduate Studies Research Fellow DC2, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 「『南方録』における「露地」―立花実山の「草庵」の解釈を手がかりとして―」(日本語) 櫻本⾹織 早稲田大学大学院博士後期課程・日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2 Lecture/Presentation 5: Friday June 25 18:30 – 20:30 PDT (in Japanese with optional simultaneous English interpretation) (日本時間6月26 日午前10時30分〜午後12時45分) USD $25 Lecture: Hosokawa Sansai: tea of the feudal daimyo and first-ever Hosokawa Sansai School Demonstrations of tea preparation procedures UMEMURA Naoko Deputy Iemoto, Hosokawa Sansai School of Tea 講義 「細川三斎 〜大名の茶の湯〜」(日本語) と点前実演 (史上初めて公開) 梅村尚⼦ 細川三斎流家元代理 Advance registration is required for all sessions. Purchase separate tickets for individual sessions OR
attend all five sessions for the Special Discounted Rate of $65.
AboutSaBi Tea Arts is managed by Maiko Behr, a translator specializing in Japanese arts and certified instructor of Chanoyu (Japanese tea ceremony) in the Omotesenke tradition and Kōdō (Japanese incense ceremony) in the Senzan Goryū tradition. Archives
July 2024